European Robotics Week 2015 in Bristol

Date:20 November 2015 - By:admin - Category:

The European Robotics Week offers one week of robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas. The week, which will run23-29 November 2015, aims to connect the robotics community to the public, and engage children in fun and educational activities.

This year, the heart of the European Robotics Week lies at our core consortium partner Bristol Robotics Laboratory, which will host public events exploring robots and society. Over two days, the public will hear a debate with leading European and UK experts, participate in a full-day workshop on translating latest research in robotics to market, and have the opportunity to bring their kids to the science museum to help researchers build 100 robots to “treat cancer”.

Over the past five years, the event has attracted over 200,000 robot enthusiasts of all ages. EuRobotics AISBL, the European association for a Public-Private Partnership in robotics, serves as the central coordinator.

Additional information about the Bristol events and free registration can be found here.