The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to research and higher education, specialized in the fields of architecture, science and engineering. It is a university committed to excellence, a driver of economic and social change, and an institution that’s extremely well connected to the industry. The schools and facilities in Barcelona, and other location in Catalonia, engage in intense research activity and provide students with an outstanding education.
Technology and knowledge is transferred to companies and society, and highly recognized results have been acheived.. UPC has 68 official bachelor’s degree, 65 master’s degree and 51 doctoral degree programs, with a total of 37,789 members and 197 research groups.
The Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial is a research Institute of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). The Institute has three main objectives: to promote fundamental research in Robotics and Applied Informatics, to cooperate with the community in industrial technological projects, and to offer scientific education through graduate courses. Our research activities are organized in four research lines. Three of them tackle various aspects of robotics research, including indoor and outdoor human-centered, human-safe robotics systems, and the design and construction of novel parallel mechanisms. Efforts in the fourth line are aimed at research on energy efficiency, in fuel cells research, and on the management of energy systems.