Universidad de Málaga (UMA)

The University of Málaga (UMA) is a spanish public university established in 1972. With more than 39,000 students and 2,400 lecturers / teachers, the UMA offers 60 degree courses, over 40 doctoral programmes, more than 50 master’s Degrees, as well as 30 internal degrees and 100 courses throughout the academic year. The UMA has 278 research groups, which are involved in 80 national projects and 30 European and International projects. In the last few years, the number of agreements and contracts with businesses and organisations has varied between 350 and 400 and an average of over 50 patents have been registered – 30 of them of an international nature.

The team for this proposal comes from the Group on Ingeniería de Sistemas Integrados. During the last five years, this research group has been granted with projects funded by the Spanish Government, integrated actions with the Universidade de Coimbra and TU Vienna, contracts with private firms, and projects funded by European networks (VISOR and SHARE-IT). Research conducted in these projects is closely related to proposal topics such as social robotics, speech generation/recognition, pose detection and evaluation, human-robot social interaction, and assistive robotics.


Antonio Bandera Rubio
Departamento de Tecnologia Electronica
ETSI Telecomunicacion – University of Malaga
Campus de Teatinos
29071 Malaga

Email: ajbandera@uma.es

Internet: http://www.uma.es/

PDTI consortium