
IDMind (IDM) is a Portuguese SME, founded in April 2000, and is presently located at the Lisbon Technological Park. The company has extensive experience in the construction of mobile robotic platforms, involving the following main aspects: the design and construction of low-level microcontroller based modular electronics to acquire different type of sensor signals and to control different type of motors; establishing low-level interfaces in-between dedicated electronic modules; interfacing low-level electronics with high-level processing units; robust mechanical design and use of different materials and tools.

The main role of IDM in SIAR is the development and assembly of the robot platform as well as the planning of the commercial exploitation of the developed solution.

The company has developed in recent years complete sets of robot platforms: small sized microcontroller based robots; indoor and outdoor PC based differential platforms; indoor holonomic platforms; outdoor tracked robots for remote inspection. The current core business of IDMind is to provide solutions for RTD projects, industry, and services. These projects include complete robot solutions, as well as electronics design and system integration for existing hardware platforms. IDMind is member of euRobotics AISBL and SPR (Portuguese Robotics Society).


IDMind – Engenharia de Sistemas, Lda
Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa, Lt 1
1600-546 Lisboa



PDTI consortium